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The National Law Offices of Julius P. Terrell assists clients with Estate Planning, Wills, Trusts, Business Planning, Probate, Real Estate, Securities Law, Litigation, Arbitration & Dispute Resolution, Government Relations Matters and Contract Drafting in Washington DC, Prince George's County, MD and Montgomery County, MD

© 2025 National Law Offices of Julius P. Terrell, PLLC - Migrated to Zoho | Disclaimer
1455 Pennsylvania Ave N.W, Suite 400, Washington, DC 20004
| Phone: 202-349-5554
9701 Apollo Dr, Suite 100, Largo, MD 20774
| Phone: 240-487-5961

Business & Estate Planning | Family Law | Civil Litigation | Probate / Estate / Trust Adm | Real Estate | Contract Drafting | Arb. & Dispute Resolution | Government Relations | Securities Law | Commercial Real Estate | Advanced Estate Planning
